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CDU: Repatriation centers for migrants with no prospects of staying

According to the CDU, migrants from safe countries of origin should not be distributed to local authorities in the first place. The Christian Democrats are calling for a change in migration policy - and are taking a neighboring federal state as a role model.

Members of parliament sit in the plenary chamber during a session of the Thuringian
Members of parliament sit in the plenary chamber during a session of the Thuringian state parliament.

Parliament - CDU: Repatriation centers for migrants with no prospects of staying

According to the Thuringian CDU parliamentary group, migrants with little prospect of staying should be housed in repatriation centers. This is provided for in a draft bill on migration policy presented by the Christian Democrats in Erfurt on Monday. "We want a fundamental change in migration policy," said Andreas Bühl, Parliamentary Secretary of the Thuringian CDU parliamentary group.

For example, men, women and children from so-called safe countries of origin should not be distributed to the municipalities in the first place, but should be housed directly in such "Thuringian centers for reception and repatriation" after their registration until their respective asylum procedure has been completed. According to Bühl, they should be able to stay there for up to two years. The anchor centers in Bavaria are a model.

CDU migration politician Stefan Schard emphasized that this should relieve the burden on local authorities. It initially remained unclear how many people this could be expected to affect. Schard reiterated his call for the Maghreb states - Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia - to be declared safe countries of origin. Just a few weeks ago, the Bundestag declared Georgia and Moldova to be safe countries of origin.

Bühl said that the CDU bill is to be discussed in parliament on Thursday. In his opinion, it could be passed before the state elections, which are scheduled for September 1, 2024. The Thuringian CDU is in opposition, but with the help of votes from the AfD, FDP and independents, it has already been able to push through its own legislative amendments in the state parliament against the will of the red-red-green minority government. The Thuringian AfD is classified by the state's Office for the Protection of the Constitution as definitely right-wing extremist.

Read also:

  1. The proposal to house migrants with limited prospects of staying in repatriation centers has been put forward by the Thuringian CDU parliamentary group, which includes both men and women.
  2. Children from safe countries of origin might be among those impacted by this migration policy shift, as they may not be distributed to municipalities initially but instead housed in these 'Thuringian centers for reception and repatriation.'
  3. Foreigners, regardless of their gender, could potentially stay in these centers for up to two years while their asylum procedures are completed, following the Thuringian CDU's draft bill on migration policy.
  4. Besides the CDU, parties such as the AfD, FDP, and independents could play a crucial role in passing the draft bill, as the Thuringian CDU, despite being in opposition, has successfully pushed through its legislative amendments with their help in the state parliament.
  5. Worth noting is that the proposed safe countries of origin include nations like Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia, which could impact the migration policy significantly, according to CDU migration politician Stefan Schard.
  6. The discussions on this migration policy bill are scheduled to take place in the state parliament on Thursday, and Schard believes it could be passed before the September 2024 state elections in Thuringia.



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