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CDU reactivates Bosbach for election campaign in eastern Germany

The CDU is reactivating Wolfgang Bosbach from the more conservative wing of the party for its election campaign in eastern Germany next year. Ten events have been scheduled so far, with more to follow, he told the Düsseldorf newspaper Rheinische Post (Thursday). Elections will be held in...

The CDU logo.
The CDU logo.

Parties - CDU reactivates Bosbach for election campaign in eastern Germany

The CDU is reactivating Wolfgang Bosbach from the more conservative wing of the party for its election campaign in eastern Germany next year. Ten events have been scheduled so far, with more to follow, he told the Düsseldorf newspaper Rheinische Post (Thursday). Elections will be held in Saxony, Thuringia and Brandenburg in September 2024 - the AfD is ahead in the polls in each case. It is important that it is not possible to govern against the CDU there, said Bosbach. "However, I am not primarily fighting against the AfD there, but for the CDU."

The high-profile domestic politician Bosbach left the Bundestag in 2017. After a controversial appearance with former President of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution Hans-Georg Maaßen, he announced that he would no longer be campaigning for the CDU in 2021.

Read also:

  1. Bosbach's return to the CDU's election campaign in eastern Germany is significant, considering his absence from active politics since his departure from the Bundestag in 2017.
  2. The election campaigns in Saxony, Thuringia, and Brandenburg next year will be crucial, especially given that the AfD is currently leading in the polls in these eastern German states.
  3. The CDU, however, does not intend to focus solely on opposing the AfD but also on advocating for its own party in the state parliament elections.
  4. Bosbach's reactivation for the election campaign is a strategic move by the CDU, aiming to maintain a strong presence in eastern Germany, where the AfD has been gaining popularity.
  5. The Rheinische Post reported that Bosbach, a well-known conservative figure, will be campaigning in Germany's eastern states, including Brandenburg, where the AfD's performance is particularly strong.
  6. In a controversial turn of events, Bosbach decided to leave the CDU's election campaign in 2021 after appearing with Hans-Georg Maaßen, a former president of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution.
  7. The CDU's election campaign in states like Berlin and Saxony will also be closely watched, as these regions have traditionally been strongholds for other parties, including the SPD and the Greens.


