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CDU pushes for repeal of hunting law amid coalition conflict

Brandenburg's Agriculture Minister Vogel has been a constant target for the hunting association. Currently, he's also facing criticism from his coalition partner, the CDU. The dispute is centered around hunting regulations.

Axel Vogel (M, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), Brandenburger Minister für Landwirtschaft, Umwelt und...
Axel Vogel (M, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), Brandenburger Minister für Landwirtschaft, Umwelt und Klimaschutz.

Woodland area - CDU pushes for repeal of hunting law amid coalition conflict

In Brandenburg, a contentious hunting regulation has sparked division within the coalition just four months before the statewide election. The hunting group has requested the resignation of Agriculture Minister Axel Vogel (Greens), and now the CDU is urging him to abandon the regulation. Should Vogel refuse, Minster President Dietmar Woidke (SPD) must interfere, claims Jan Redmann, the CDU's parliamentary leader, on the latest news.

There's also controversy surrounding the allegation that the minister fails to involve affiliated associations enough. The new rules on the hunting law's implementation are set to go live on June 1, per Vogel. Among these changes are the prohibition of lethal traps, modified hunting times for deer and roe deer, and alterations to addressing beavers and nutrias. The hunting association lambasted Vogel for his insensitivity towards participation procedures and the state hunting council, prompting the failure to amend the legislation before.

Redmann called for Vogel to cease the scheduled regulation. "If he's not willing to do so, we'll expect the Prime Minister to utilize his guidelines authority to instruct the Environment Minister to annul the implementation of the regulation on June 1." Vogel's approach damages the countryside, according to Redmann. The hunting association's demand for Vogel's resignation doesn't sit well with Redmann, who is looking towards the imminent state election in four months.

From Vogel's perspective, who dismisses the claims, the new regulation favors animal welfare. He stated, "I'll not withdraw it." Moreover, Vogel argues that the new rules were discussed with the CDU. "Mr. Redmann was part of it," he explained. He deemed the criticism was unfounded. The new guidelines are currently being deliberated upon by the relevant committees of the state parliament and the coalition committee.

The SPD faction accused Vogel of lacking communication with responsible associations, but they were not as forceful in their denouncement as the CDU. The SPD's parliamentary leader, Daniel Keller, spoke out against involving the Prime Minister. "I don't find that viable," he added. Having joined in Redmann's call for Vogel's resignation, Keller later reconsidered and said, "I don't think suggesting the minister's exit is the correct approach."

Vogel argues that lethal traps are already prohibited in many regions, making the wintertime hunting of deer and roe deer similarly accessible several months into the following year in most federal states. Brandenburg, too, plans to prolong this period from mid-January to the conclusion of January. A point of contention concerns the capture and slaughter of nutrias and beavers, which will be taken out of the hunting law. This simplifies the task for water management groups employing professional beaver trappers in reducing the animal population. Hunters could still partake in their designated areas during this process, according to Vogel.

The Brandenburg hunting organization asked for Vogel's "immediate resignation" on Monday, while wildlife conservation groups embraced the new hunting regulations. The Ecological Hunting Association pointed to progress.

Read also:

  1. Amidst the coalition dispute over hunting regulations in Brandenburg, the CDU is pushing for a repeal of the law, claiming that Agriculture Minister Axel Vogel (Greens) must abandon the regulation if he refuses to do so.
  2. Jan Redmann, the CDU's parliamentary leader, has called for Vogel to cease the scheduled regulation, threatening that his party will expect Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke (SPD) to utilize his guidelines authority to cancel the implementation if Vogel refuses.
  3. The new rules on the hunting law's implementation, set to go live on June 1, include the prohibition of lethal traps, modified hunting times for deer and roe deer, and alterations to addressing beavers and nutrias.
  4. Redmann criticizes Vogel for allegedly failing to involve affiliated associations enough and damaging the countryside with his approach to the new regulation.
  5. The CDU and SPD have accused Vogel of lacking communication with responsible associations, but the SPD's parliamentary leader, Daniel Keller, spoke out against involving the Prime Minister in the matter.
  6. Vogel argues that the new regulations favor animal welfare and were discussed with the CDU, dismissing the criticism as unfounded. He also highlights that lethal traps are already prohibited in many regions, and the wintertime hunting of deer and roe deer will remain accessible in most federal states.
  7. The Brandenburg hunting organization has asked for Vogel's "immediate resignation," while wildlife conservation groups have embraced the new hunting regulations, pointing to progress in animal population management.




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