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CDU plans to take action against AfD during the last push of the election races.

The European election campaign reaches its final stretch on Sunday, with the CDU focusing its attacks on the AfD.

Peter Liese (CDU), MEP and lead candidate of the CDU NRW for the European elections.
Peter Liese (CDU), MEP and lead candidate of the CDU NRW for the European elections.

Upcoming European voting event - CDU plans to take action against AfD during the last push of the election races.

As the European elections approach, the CDU party in North Rhine-Westphalia is gearing up to fight against the AfD. CDU NRW's leading candidate, Peter Liese, emphasized to reporters on Wednesday that his main objective is to stop the AfD from gaining influence on European politics. He warned about the potential negative consequences, such as the loss of economic strength and jobs, if the AfD's extreme anti-European demands, like Germany's exit from the EU, were to become a reality.

To help CDU members and campaigners better understand the dangers of the AfD, the CDU NRW has compiled a 42-page "Brown Book AfD." This brochure aims to provide an overview of the afd's ideology and political agenda. In his introduction, Bundestag MP and general secretary of the NRW-CDU, Paul Ziemiak, stated that the booklet is not a campaign brochure but rather a resource for those engaged in discussions about the AfD. The CDU wants to educate its supporters on the party's ideology and political platform. This brochure was originally distributed during the CDU federal party conference in May and has since been updated with new information, including details about the controversial AfD candidate for the European elections, Maximilian Krah.

In North Rhine-Westphalia, there are approximately 13.8 million eligible voters set to participate in the European election on Sunday, June 9th. For the first time, 16- and 17-year-olds are permitted to vote in a European election. This amounts to about 305,000 young people in the region.

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