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Klaus Töpfer, former Federal Minister for the Environment.
Klaus Töpfer, former Federal Minister for the Environment.

Individuals were reported to have participated in the event. Paraphrased text: Attendees engaged in the activity. - CDU party member Klaus Töpfer has passed away.

The ex-Federal Environment Minister and CDU member Klaus Toepfer has passed away. According to a spokeswoman from the Federal CDU in Berlin, he died on Saturday due to a brief, severe ailment at the age of 85. Earlier, the "Neue Westfaelische" and "Westfalen-Blatt" had both reported this news.

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Claudia Scharwath, a CDU party member from North Rhine-Westphalia, expressed her condolences upon hearing the news. Many people in Germany, especially environmental activists, mourned the loss of Klaus Toepfer, who was known for his significant contributions to preserving the environment during his time as Federal Environment Minister. Following his passing, various parties in Germany held memorial events to honor his legacy.

