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CDU parliamentary group: Security concept at the airport is not enough

Dennis Gladiator is the domestic policy spokesman for the Hamburg CDU parliamentary
Dennis Gladiator is the domestic policy spokesman for the Hamburg CDU parliamentary

CDU parliamentary group: Security concept at the airport is not enough

As a consequence of the Hamburg hostage-taking, the CDU parliamentary group is calling for more security at the airport. "After the past disruptive actions by climate change activists, the hostage-taking at the weekend shows that the airport's current security concept is inadequate," said Dennis Gladiator, the CDU parliamentary group's spokesman for internal affairs, on Monday. It was urgently necessary to examine to what extent the security of the access roads and the grounds could be increased in the form of increased access restrictions and new fences. According to the CDU, it has requested that the incidents at the airport be dealt with by the Interior Committee.

On Saturday evening, the hostage-taker broke through a barrier at the airport and drove his car onto the airport apron. His four-year-old daughter was in the car. After a war of nerves lasting more than 18 hours, the man surrendered to the police on Sunday afternoon.

Despite the recent incident of air traffic disruption due to climate change activists, the CDU parliamentary group believes that the airport's security measures are inadequate, especially in light of the weekend's hostage situation. It's essential to investigate ways to enhance security on access roads and grounds, possibly through stricter access controls and new fences, to prevent such crimes from happening again.




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