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CDU parliamentary group leader: Thuringia will receive budget

CDU parliamentary group leader Mario Voigt assumes that Thuringia will have an agreed budget for 2024 following the compromise with the red-red-green minority coalition. "While Berlin can't get anything done, Thuringia will get a budget," said the opposition leader on Wednesday during the...

Mario Voigt, head of Thuringia's CDU parliamentary group, smiles during a session of the
Mario Voigt, head of Thuringia's CDU parliamentary group, smiles during a session of the Thuringian state parliament.

Parties - CDU parliamentary group leader: Thuringia will receive budget

CDU parliamentary group leader Mario Voigt assumes that Thuringia will have an agreed budget for 2024 following the compromise with the red-red-green minority coalition. "While Berlin can't get anything done, Thuringia will get a budget," said the opposition leader on Wednesday during the budget debate in the state parliament in Erfurt. The CDU had pushed through a number of changes to the government's draft and thus ensured planning security for local authorities, businesses and citizens in the coming year.

Voigt accused the minority government of Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow (Left Party) of not having used the years of high tax revenues since taking office in 2014 to stabilize the state's finances. "You don't know how to handle money," said the CDU politician. Thuringia had fallen behind in a comparison of the federal states. It was important to the CDU that, in addition to the budget corrections, it had achieved a change of direction by the government in terms of migration policy.

Voigt cited the expiry of state reception programs for Syrians and Afghans, the state-wide introduction of a payment card instead of cash for asylum seekers and the full reimbursement of costs for local authorities for the accommodation of refugees. In response to interjections from the AfD parliamentary group and its leader Björn Höcke, Voigt said: "You are a shouter, we are doers."

Parliament is expected to approve the budget, which has long been controversial, late on Wednesday evening. This was preceded by a compromise between the Left, SPD and Greens and the CDU parliamentary group. The Red-Red-Greens do not have their own majority in the state parliament - the governing coalition is four votes short. It is therefore dependent on compromises with the CDU.

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