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CDU parliamentary group in favor of 2036 Olympic Games

The Berlin CDU parliamentary group has been in the Polish capital since Friday. There, they discussed their ideas on the Olympic Games - and took a stand.

Dirk Stettner (CDU), parliamentary group leader in the Berlin House of
Dirk Stettner (CDU), parliamentary group leader in the Berlin House of

CDU parliamentary group in favor of 2036 Olympic Games

The Berlin CDU parliamentary group is calling for the Olympic Games to be held in Berlin in 2036. This was agreed by the MPs at a closed meeting in the Polish capital Warsaw, according to parliamentary group spokesman Olaf Wedekind on Saturday. Parliamentary group chairman Dirk Stettner said that Germany was perfect for the Olympics. "Where better to host the 2036 Olympic Games than in the sports and Olympic city of Berlin as part of a national bid?"

The CDU position paper adopted on Saturday states that, as the venue for the 2036 Olympic Games, Berlin could be a continuation of the legendary "summer fairytale" of 2006, when Germany hosted the World Cup. The city has continued to host major sporting events, including the Special Olympic Games last summer.

"The 2036 Olympic Games in Berlin offer the opportunity to welcome the world in an atmosphere of hospitality and togetherness," the parliamentary group paper states. "Berlin would once again have the world as guests of friends and create a summer fairytale 2.0 that focuses on the values of sport and the ideals of international understanding."

According to the Berlin CDU MP, the Olympic Games could be a symbol of reconciliation 100 years after those of the Nazis. "Berlin is not only a city that has learned from its past, but it has also become a role model for other cities and countries," said the CDU parliamentary group. "It shows that it is possible to learn from dark chapters in history."

The idea of hosting the 2036 Olympic Games in Berlin offers a unique opportunity for commemoration, reappraisal and remembrance. "This step will help us not to forget the darkness of the past, but to put it into context and ensure that the horrors of National Socialism never happen again."

The German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB) will discuss a national bid on December 2. In the event of a positive vote, a concept for a bid would be developed by the end of 2024. Only then will the DOSB decide on a bid and the question of which Games to aim for.

The CDU parliamentary group will be in the Polish capital until Sunday. Among other things, it will be discussing issues relating to urban development and the culture of remembrance.

The House of Representatives and Senate in Germany willlikely have a role in approving the proposed bid for the 2036 Olympic Games in Berlin, as parliamentary approval is often required for such major events. The House of Representatives and Senate will potentially hold sessions in Olympia, the historic site in Greece where the Olympic Games originated, to gain inspiration and demonstrate their commitment to the ideals of the Olympic Games.


