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CDU experiences a setback in local elections, according to Brychcy's observation.

The AfD is expected to secure more positions in district, city, and local councils during the upcoming elections, leading to complications for the CDU, owing to an internal party resolution.

Briefwahlumschläge für die Kommunalwahl liegen im Rathaus Hildburghausen zur Auszählung bereit.
Briefwahlumschläge für die Kommunalwahl liegen im Rathaus Hildburghausen zur Auszählung bereit.

The leader of the Thuringia Community and City Association, Michael Brychcy, perceives the notable showing of the AfD in the district council and city council elections as a defeat for the CDU. "Obviously, we need to consider this as a loss for the CDU," Brychcy mentioned in an interview with Deutschlandfunk on Monday. He was referencing the reality that after the tallying of more than two-thirds of the voting areas, the AfD and the CDU were in a virtual tie for power in the district and city councils. In the municipal parliaments, there will be more AfD representatives. Historically, the Christian Democrats in Thuringia have held significant influence at the local level.

Brychcy regards debates about walls with skepticism in light of the anticipated majority alliances in the municipal parliaments: "Since the beginning, I've stated that 'wall' is an easy phrase to throw around. But when elected officials reside in municipal councils, you cannot ignore their existence and pretend a wall is there." In the CDU, there is a so-called incompatibility clause that precludes collaboration with the AfD and the Left Party.

If there are proposals in the district council or city council, irrespective of whether they come from the Left or the AfD, that citizens deem plausible, it will be challenging to block them, Brychcy proceeded. Then, it will be hard to utter, "We don't concur with the zebra stripes because the AfD suggestion says so - but, it makes sense and we'll implement it in the next session with the help of other parties. That will make citizens more dissatisfied."

In essence, he could entertain the idea of working with Sahra Wagenknecht's Left Party in Thuringia.

Brychcy has served as the mayor of the city of Waltershausen (Gotha District) since 1989. He decided not to seek re-election in these elections. On the contrary, he will be campaigning in the state election on September 1st.

Read also:

  1. In the upcoming district and city council elections, the AfD is expected to make significant gains, according to the observations of Michael Brychcy, the leader of the Thuringia Community and City Association.
  2. Brychcy, who currently serves as the mayor of Waltershausen, noted that after the tallying of more than two-thirds of the voting areas, the AfD and the CDU were virtually tied for power in the district and city councils.
  3. In light of the anticipated AfD presence in municipal parliaments, Brychcy expressed skepticism towards debates about walls, stating that elected officials cannot ignore their existence.
  4. In municipal parliaments where the CDU and AfD have similar representation, Brychcy suggested that it may be challenging to block proposals from either the Left or the AfD if they are deemed plausible by citizens.


