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CDU emerges as the strongest party in the Stuttgart city council.

In cities like Karlsruhe and Heidelberg, the Greens continue to hold the most significant power following local elections. However, in the state capital, their efforts fell short, bringing joy to the CDU.

Election workers at the Schwabenzentrum counting postal votes for the European elections.
Election workers at the Schwabenzentrum counting postal votes for the European elections.

Regional voting - CDU emerges as the strongest party in the Stuttgart city council.

The Greens have faced not only a loss in the nation, but they've also been surpassed by the CDU as the most influential group in the city council. With 22.9% of the votes and the CDU securing 23.4%, it seems both parties will spearhead the strongest actions in the upcoming legislative body.

A contrast to five years ago shows the decline of the Greens by 3.4% and a gain of 4% for the CDU. As per the city's explanations, both the SPD and the CDU are anticipated to take 14 seats each. The SPD had 11.1% (11.6%) of the votes and currently hold seven seats, while the AfD scored 8.3% (6.1%) and five seats. The FDP received 7.4% (7.9%) and will also gain four seats.

The turnout for voters was recorded as being 57% (2019: 57.5%). The city will announce the official results of the city council election on Friday.

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