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CDU criticizes environmental senator: too few trees replanted

Hamburg is still considered one of the greenest metropolitan areas. But here, too, the tree population is steadily declining. The CDU reproaches the green environmental senator.

The CDU demands more trees for Hamburg (archive photo).
The CDU demands more trees for Hamburg (archive photo).

Environment - CDU criticizes environmental senator: too few trees replanted

The CDU-faction in the Hamburg parliament has accused Green Senator Jens Kerstan (Greens) of neglecting Hamburg's greening efforts. "Since 2015, 30,000 felled trees have not been replanted. One cannot speak of Hamburg becoming greener under these circumstances", said Sandro Kappe, environmental policy spokesperson for the CDU-faction in the parliament. A reference to the expansion of nature protection areas provides little relief. "In the city center, for example, there are hardly any trees. For instance, in the vicinity of the town hall, one finds few street trees", criticized Kappe, who spoke out after the presentation of the report on the implementation of the "Contract for Hamburg's City Green".

The situation with City Green is also criticized. "There is underfunding for waters, trees, and green maintenance", according to the Wandsbek district office for street trees an underfunding of 1.3 million Euro and the Bergedorf district office of 1.6 million Euro. The Senate is forecasting a deficit of 8.51% for green maintenance in the years 2023 and 2024, and even 35% for the year 2025. According to the Senate, the Gartenamtsleiterkonferenz recommends a contribution of 1.20 to 4.50 Euro per square meter. Hamburg is significantly below this value with a value not even reaching one Euro.

Kerstan, however, spoke of a successful implementation. "Hamburg remains the green metropolis on the water despite building densification. The Senate implements the Contract for Hamburg's City Green in cooperation with the districts and public institutions and ensures continuous improvement of natural quality and the preservation of city green spaces", said Kerstan. Currently, the proportion of nature protection areas is at 9.83%. Further designations of nature protection areas are planned with the Kirchwerder Wiesen and the Boberger Niederung.

  1. Despite the CDU's accusations of neglecting environmental policies, Green Senator Jens Kerstan from Hamburg confidently asserted that the city remains a "green metropolis on the water," citing the increase in nature protection areas.
  2. Contrary to the positive assessment from Jens Kerstan, the CDU-faction's environmental policy spokesperson, Sandro Kappe, pointed out the failure in replanting felled trees and the lack of green spaces in the city center.
  3. The CDU in the Hamburg Senate expressed concern about the future of environmental policy, noting the financial deficit in green maintenance and the city's insufficient contribution compared to the Gartenamtsleiterkonferenz's recommendations.

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