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CDU and SPD party conferences decide on coalition agreement in Hesse

The CDU and SPD party conferences in Hesse will decide on the draft of the joint coalition agreement for the new state government on Saturday. Minister President Boris Rhein's CDU will meet in Frankfurt am Main (11.00 a.m.) for a state committee - a small party conference. The SPD will hold an...


CDU and SPD party conferences decide on coalition agreement in Hesse

After exploratory talks following the state elections on October 8, the CDU decided against a new alliance with the Greens and in favor of coalition negotiations with the SPD led by state leader and Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser. The CDU won the election in Hesse with 34.6 percent, clearly ahead of all other parties. The AfD came second with 18.4 percent. The SPD came third with 15.1 percent. The new state parliament will convene for its constituent session on January 18.

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