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CDU and Greens show unity after Bundesrat decision

The coalition blessing between the CDU and the Greens in NRW is hanging straight again. The Greens were annoyed by a vote in the Bundesrat. It was also about making 30 km/h zones easier.

Parliament - CDU and Greens show unity after Bundesrat decision

After the Greens criticized the CDU for the failure of new regulations in road traffic law in the Bundesrat, the two coalition partners in North Rhine-Westphalia are once again demonstrating unity. The law rejected by the state chamber was "a first step towards a turnaround in traffic policy", said Green parliamentary group leader Wibke Brems on Friday during a topical debate in the state parliament. It was therefore "still really regrettable that the bill did not find a majority in the Bundesrat". The hope now lies in an agreement in the mediation committee. The black-green coalition will "work together to bring us closer to the goal of Vision Zero, liveable cities and safety for all road users."

The goal of Vision Zero is zero fatalities and serious injuries on the roads. Brems pointed out that 101 cyclists were killed in road traffic accidents in NRW alone in 2022.

NRW abstained from voting on the new traffic law in the Bundesrat a week ago. The Greens were in favor of the amendment, the CDU against. In the coalition agreement, the CDU and Greens stipulated that the state would abstain from voting in the Bundesrat if the coalition partners were unable to reach an agreement on voting behavior beforehand. Brems then showed an unusually clear "lack of understanding" for the CDU's rejection of the amendment.

The new road traffic law is intended to give cities and municipalities more leeway to set up bus lanes and 30 km/h zones, for example. Head of the State Chancellery Nathanael Liminski said that the NRW state government unanimously supported the basic objective of the law. "We want more leeway for local authorities, we want more climate protection". However, road safety was not guaranteed by the federal government's draft law. He also hoped that the mediation committee would be called upon.

The SPD opposition politician Alexander Vogt said that the Greens in NRW were allowing themselves to be shown up by the CDU and Minister President Hendrik Wüst. The Greens were supporting Wüst's policies against their own convictions and were allowing themselves to be "taken for a ride" on key points. In NRW, the CDU and the Greens usually govern quietly. As a rule, no information about possible internal coalition conflicts reaches the public.

SPD motion for current hour

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