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Cautionary work stoppage at Hamburg Port: container facilities impacted

Several shipment containers in Hamburg's harbor are likely to stay idle on Friday as they adhere to Verdi's directive for labor stops.

Containers are handled at Eurogate's container terminal in the port of Hamburg.
Containers are handled at Eurogate's container terminal in the port of Hamburg.

Labor organization - Cautionary work stoppage at Hamburg Port: container facilities impacted

During a warning strike on Friday, Hamburg port workers stopped working due to dissatisfaction with a lack of progress in their wage negotiations. The spokesperson for the union Verdi reported high participation rates during the strike, which began at 5:30 am and disrupted various areas of the port, causing significant limitations in handling and other operations.

The two major container terminals of HHLA and Eurogate were particularly impacted by the work stoppages, and the strike is anticipated to continue until the evening. Verdi prompted the strike after a second round of bargaining with the Central Association of German Seaports last Thursday, which ended without achievement. Verdi's negotiator, Maren Ulbrich, commented that the employer's offer was wholly inadequate.

Involving approximately 6,000 employees in the Hamburg port, Verdi's demands include a generous increase in hourly wages from June 1st as well as an equivalent raise in shift allowances.

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