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Catholics commemorate Corpus Christi festivities even along the Rhine.

In North Rhine-Westphalia, Catholics honour Corpus Christi through processions held on Thursday. Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki presided over an outdoor mass at Cologne Cathedral, while a boat procession started in Cologne. Known as the "Mülheimer Gottestracht", this event sees beautifully...

An altar boy carries a censer as he leaves the ship during the "Mülheimer Gottestracht".
An altar boy carries a censer as he leaves the ship during the "Mülheimer Gottestracht".

Religious institution undergoes transformation - Catholics commemorate Corpus Christi festivities even along the Rhine.

The term "Fronleichnam" originates from the Middle High German words "vrôn" (meaning Lord) and "lîcham" (meaning body). According to tradition, the night before Jesus' crucifixion, he gathered with his disciples, shared bread with them, and drank wine. During this event, he allegedly stated that the bread was his body and the wine was his blood. Because of this significant event, Catholics today contend that bread and wine undergo a transformation into Jesus' physical body and blood during the Holy Mass.

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