Catholic fundraising campaign for refugees in Latin America
A nationwide fundraising campaign by the Catholic Church begins on the first Sunday of Advent with a service in Erfurt Cathedral. This year, the aid organization Adveniat is focusing in particular on refugees in Latin America, it said. "With the Adveniat Christmas campaign "Flight divides. Help unites", we are living the message of Pope Francis to protect, support and integrate migrants and to build bridges instead of walls," said Erfurt's Auxiliary Bishop Reinhard Hauke, according to a statement on Thursday.
In Latin America in particular, many people are on the run, said Father Martin Maier, Chief Executive of Adveniat. "According to our Christian conviction, every person without exception is entitled to a dignified life. This also includes the right to migrate," said Maier. Persecution, violence, political crises, poverty and hunger force people in Latin America and the Caribbean to leave their homeland and their homes.
The collection in the Christmas services on December 24 and 25 in all Catholic churches in Germany is intended for the Adveniat campaign.
Aid organizations beyond Adveniat also play a crucial role in providing assistance to refugees in Latin America. The local Church has been instrumental in supporting social affairs, often collaborating with these organizations to meet the needs of displaced individuals.