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Catholic Congress seeks private accommodation for visitors

Accommodation is also being sought from private individuals for visitors to the Katholikentag in Erfurt. The large Christian gathering is comparatively small.

The motto of the Katholikentag: "The future belongs to people of peace" can be read on a
The motto of the Katholikentag: "The future belongs to people of peace" can be read on a streetcar.

Church - Catholic Congress seeks private accommodation for visitors

The organizers of the Katholikentag in Erfurt 2024 are looking for additional accommodation options for visitors to the large Christian gathering. "We hope that the people of Erfurt will support us so that we can provide even more accommodation than Erfurt can actually offer on the economic market," said Roland Vilsmaier, Managing Director of the Katholikentag Association.

Hotels in Erfurt and the surrounding area are already well booked for the event period from May 29 to June 2, 2024. Starting in January, a campaign will be launched to find private individuals who would like to host Catholic Day visitors.

"We are expecting 20,000 visitors," said Vilsmaier. If this figure remains the same, the Erfurt Katholikentag is likely to be one of the smallest in recent history. The budget of 7.1 million euros is also smaller than the previous two gatherings, which each cost around ten million euros. In addition, the program has been slimmed down from 1500 to 500 events.

In the dispute over program content, the former mayor of Erfurt, Manfred Ruge, recently relinquished the chairmanship of the sponsoring association for the Katholikentag. He criticized the lack of East German perspectives. The organizers rejected the criticism. For example, a panel on German unity and a discussion on coming to terms with the SED dictatorship are planned.

Catholic Day

Read also:

  1. The Catholic Day event in Erfurt, Thuringia, Germany, in 2024 is expected to attract over 20,000 visitors, making it one of the smallest in recent years due to reduced budget and program.
  2. Visitors to the Catholic Day event in Erfurt, Germany, looking for accommodation during the turn of the year (May 29 to June 2, 2024) are encouraged to seek private accommodations in the city or surrounding areas.
  3. The Catholic Church in Erfurt, Germany, is preparing for the Catholic Day event, aiming to provide a comprehensive program despite the challenges, including a panel on German unity and a discussion on coming to terms with the SED dictatorship.


