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Casualties Discovered Post-Flood in Switzerland – Two Individuals Yet Untraced

Amid floods in south-eastern Switzerland, rescue operations persist in the hunt for missing individuals. One of the three missing individuals was found on Sunday as per Graubünden cantonal police reports. Beyond Graubünden, Valais canton also experienced flooding. Subsequently, a significant...

Aerial view of the village of Sorte after the landslide
Aerial view of the village of Sorte after the landslide

Casualties Discovered Post-Flood in Switzerland – Two Individuals Yet Untraced

A staff member from the Kantonspolice, known as William Kloter, stated to journalists at a site heavily affected by floods in Sorte, Misox Valley, that a man's body was carried away by the currents over a distance of 8 kilometers. The search for two more missing individuals, who went missing due to a landslide in the Misox Valley, is ongoing, but the chances of finding survivors are decreasing with time.

Heavy rainfall over the past days led to a landslide in Misox Valley. Rivers burst their banks, submerging roads, and numerous creeks were flooded with debris, gravel, and lumber. In Sorte, a district of Lostallo's commune, floodwaters carried away three houses and three vehicles, causing extensive damage.

Rescuers used dogs, drones, and helicopters for their efforts. The military was also involved, as per the Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport (VBS) online service. The Kantonspolice speculated that the missing individuals were likely in their homes when the flood occurred.

Swiss Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis, who was present at the press conference in the Misox Valley, expressed sympathy, stating, "Today is a tragic day (...) that's why I'm here, to express the solidarity of the Federal Council during this challenging period." He also expressed concern for those waiting for news about the missing.

People were encouraged to avoid unnecessary driving to support the clean-up operation. Traffic was partly disrupted, and the road between Mesocco and Lostallo would be closed "for the whole Sunday," as confirmed by a Kantonspolice spokesperson.

Authorities in the Canton of Valais raised the alarm status for the Rhone and its tributaries again on Sunday morning, according to Keystone-SDA. The Rhone-related river Vispa had overflowed its banks, and parts of the riverbanks were flooded by a flow of muddy water.

Since Friday afternoon, the popular holiday resort Zermatt was isolated from the outside world, but trains resumed their regular operations on the Täsch-Zermatt line from Saturday evening, as reported by Keystone-SDA.

Due to weather damage, both the national road A13 and the canton road were closed in Misox on Sunday, obstructing traffic through the important San-Bernardino-Pass. Over the past few days, intense rainfall struck the regions in southern and eastern Switzerland. These heavy showers, combined with the generous snowmelt this year, triggered the floods.

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