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Cartel Office: Price mark-up at highway filling stations is growing

Most drivers know that filling up on the highway is more expensive, but the Cartel Office has recently observed a growing gap - especially for one type of fuel.

Petrol station: The price gap between the highway and the surrounding area has grown recently.
Petrol station: The price gap between the highway and the surrounding area has grown recently.

Refuel - Cartel Office: Price mark-up at highway filling stations is growing

The German Federal Cartel Office reports increasing price gaps between motorway service stations and other gas stations. The price hikes have "once again significantly increased in the last few weeks," said Cartel Office President Andreas Mundt. "Currently, one pays over 40 cents more per liter for gasoline and diesel on the motorway."

In particular, the price gap for diesel has recently become significantly larger. It was still around 36 cents per liter in the first quarter, but it is now approximately 41 cents. For E5 super gasoline, it was around 39 cents in the spring, but it is now almost 42. The Cartel Office advises consumers to avoid motorway service stations and use fuel apps instead. The ADAC recently made a similar statement based on its own, much smaller sample.

The price differences between the federal states, according to the Cartel Office, have been decreasing. On June 30, the difference in diesel prices between the most expensive and cheapest federal state was 6 cents. For gasoline, it was 5 cents. Some eastern German states were still among the more expensive regions, it was stated.

According to the Cartel Office, there are several explanations for the differences. For example, the eastern federal states are reportedly more affected by the embargo on Russian oil, and the refineries PCK and Leuna are not yet operating at full capacity. In addition, imports of finished fuel from Russia, which traditionally played a larger role in the east, have also decreased.

  1. The Federal Cartel Office President Andreas Mundt, based in Bonn, Germany, highlighted the significant price increments at motorway service stations in recent weeks, stating a surcharge of over 40 cents per liter for both gasoline and diesel.
  2. Andreas Mundt, head of the German Federal Cartel Office, hinted at the increasing disparity in prices between motorway service stations and conventional gas stations, particularly in diesel, which saw a surge from 36 cents to around 41 cents per liter within a short span.
  3. The Federal Cartel Office, led by Andreas Mundt, advised consumers to avoid motorway service stations and rely on fuel apps for better pricing options, echoing similar recommendations made by the ADAC based on its own research.
  4. The traffic department in Germany, under the leadership of Andreas Mundt at the Federal Cartel Office, emphasized the shrinking variation in fuel prices between the federal states, with just a 6-cent gap in diesel and a 5-cent difference in gasoline between the most and least expensive states on June 30.
  5. Andreas Mundt, the authority figure at the Federal Cartel Office in Germany, identified several potential causes for these differences, including the impact of the Russian oil embargo on the eastern federal states and the reduction in finished fuel imports from Russia in the respective regions of the automotive industry.

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