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Cars set on fire again in the south of Duisburg

Who is behind the car fires in the south of Duisburg? The police are investigating at full speed.

Unknown persons have once again set fire to cars in Duisburg. The police are investigating.
Unknown persons have once again set fire to cars in Duisburg. The police are investigating.

Arson - Cars set on fire again in the south of Duisburg

In Duisburg's southern areas, cars have been set on fire again during the night. It's unclear if there's a connection to the car arsons from the night before, as a police spokesperson stated. At least seven vehicles were damaged, according to a fire department spokesperson. Fires were reported at four locations, the first one being at around 7:50 PM on Tuesday.

Once again in the early hours of Tuesday night, a total of six cars were torched in southern parts of the city. No one was injured. The Criminal Investigation Department is looking for witnesses who may have observed suspicious individuals.

Statement from 2nd July

The series of car fires in Duisburg's southern areas appears to be a recurring crime issue. The North Rhine-Westphalia police are investigating the possibility of arson in these incidents. Despite the late hour, multiple car fires were reported in proximity, indicating a potential arsonist at large. The Police are urging residents to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities related to car fires to help in the investigation.

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