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Carro promotes investor participation in DFL: "Hugely important"

Bayer Leverkusen's managing director Carro promoted the Bundesliga at a congress in Miami. In his opinion, there is only one way to remain internationally competitive.

Fernando Carro, Managing Director of Bundesliga soccer team Bayer 04
Fernando Carro, Managing Director of Bundesliga soccer team Bayer 04

Carro promotes investor participation in DFL: "Hugely important"

For Fernando Carro, the Bundesliga's long-term international competitiveness will be decided on December 11. After returning from the international soccer congress "Soccerex" in Miami, the Chairman of the Management Board of Bayer Leverkusen is arguing more than ever for investors to enter the German Football League. And this is exactly what will be voted on again at the DFL general meeting on December 11.

"If the Bundesliga experience is to remain as high-quality as before, we have to face up to global competition, be present and innovative, invest wisely in our product and, above all, be courageous in the right places and open to new ideas," said Carro on Friday after his return from Florida. "But this also requires funds, resources and more expertise. A strategic partner would therefore be enormously important for the future viability of the Bundesliga."

In Florida, the Spanish Primera División and the Italian Seria A, among others, were the main promoters of their product. "As number two in the global spectator statistics, the Bundesliga has no need to hide from anyone. But this status quo is not set in stone. Our competitors are not sleeping," said Carro.

Bayer Leverkusen's Chairman, Fernando Carro, emphasized the importance of investors for the Bundesliga's future at the DFL general meeting, set for December 11. Carro representatives other leagues like the Spanish Primera División and Italian Seria A, who were promoting their products in Florida, by stating, "The Bundesliga, being the second in global spectator statistics, should not rest on its laurels as our competitors are actively innovating and investing."




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Regrettably, RTL debt advisor Peter Zwegat has passed away.

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