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Carolers want to collect money for the Amazon region in January

A large contingent of carol singers from various dioceses has rung in the new Epiphany campaign. This time, the children are collecting money for the Amazon region and its inhabitants.

Carolers walk along a street in their colorful costumes.
Carolers walk along a street in their colorful costumes.

Church - Carolers want to collect money for the Amazon region in January

Around 650 carol singers from various dioceses opened the 66th nationwide Three Kings' Singing campaign in Allgäu on Friday. "Seeing all these carol singers in their robes together on the town hall square is an overwhelming sight," said Harald Weber, the altar server of the Diocese of Augsburg, at the opening event in Kempten. He sees the meeting of the children as a profession of faith and a sign of their social commitment.

Around Epiphany, the children collect donations throughout Germany, this time for the preservation of the rainforest and for the benefit of the inhabitants of the Amazon region. "At the same time, the campaign makes it clear that people and nature form a unity in the Amazon, but also here in Germany," said the children's mission organization Die Sternsinger.

In the Catholic custom of carol singing, children dressed as the Three Wise Men go from house to house around the turn of the year to collect donations. They write the traditional blessing "C+M+B" (Christus mansionem benedicat - Christ bless this house) over the front door. According to the organizers, around 300,000 boys and girls take part in the campaign every year.

Message from the carol singers

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