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Care worker sues in court over workload

In Detmold, the case of a nurse who is suing the Lippe Clinic is being heard. According to the hospital, it was only initially about an alleged overload.

A nurse applies a compression bandage in outpatient care.
A nurse applies a compression bandage in outpatient care.

Process - Care worker sues in court over workload

A nursing assistant has filed a lawsuit against Lippe Clinic at the Detmold Labor Court regarding her workload. The WDR reported that, according to the plaintiff, repeated complaints about workload and personnel shortages from the clinic management were not taken seriously, a judicial decision could still be possible on Wednesday. The sister hopes that this possibly nationally significant case will lead to better health and safety protection at her workplace. At the Detmold Labor Court, no one was reachable upon inquiry. The proceedings were on the court's schedule for Wednesday.

The defendant clinic responded to an inquiry that they consider the lawsuit to be inadmissible and unfounded. Initially, the plaintiff's overload reports were addressed. "The plaintiff's lawsuit goal has changed throughout the proceedings, requests were rejected, declared invalid, and then expanded again," described a spokesperson. The matter now only concerns the question of whether a risk assessment carried out in 2023 "needs to be updated in accordance with the plaintiff's wishes and suggestions or whether the employer is legally required to negotiate this with the works council."

  1. The nursing assistant, working in a nursing profession, filed a lawsuit at the Detmold Labor Court against Lippe Clinic in North Rhine-Westphalia, raising concerns about her workload and alleging that the management's repeated complaints about workload and personnel shortages were not adequately addressed.
  2. The WDR reported that the plaintiff hopes this case, if successful in court, will improve health and safety conditions for all workers, including nursing specialists, in her workplace.
  3. The defendant clinic expressed that it considers the lawsuit inadmissible and unfounded, as the plaintiff's lawsuit goal has reportedly changed throughout the proceedings, with initial overload reports addressed.
  4. According to a spokesperson, the dispute now centers around whether the risk assessment conducted in 2023 needs to be updated according to the plaintiff's wishes and suggestions, or if the employer is legally obligated to negotiate this with the works council.
  5. As the proceedings take place at the Detmold Labor Court on Wednesday, it remains unclear whether a judicial decision regarding this potentially significant case in the field of nursing professions will be made.

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