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Cardiovascular diseases remain the most common cause of death

Cardiovascular diseases remain the most common cause of death in Berlin and Brandenburg. A third of the almost 77,000 people who died last year succumbed to such an ailment, as the Berlin-Brandenburg Statistical Office announced on Tuesday.

Diseases - Cardiovascular diseases remain the most common cause of death

Cardiovascular diseases remain the most common cause of death in Berlin and Brandenburg. A third of the almost 77,000 people who died last year succumbed to such an ailment, as the Berlin-Brandenburg Statistical Office announced on Tuesday.

In total, 12,218 Berliners died from a disease of the circulatory system in 2022, compared to 13,215 people in Brandenburg. Those affected in the capital were 81.9 years old on average and 82.7 in Brandenburg.

According to the statisticians, the second most common cause of death in the region was cancer. Overall, the office spoke of a 2.5 percent increase in deaths compared to the previous year. While the number of deaths in Berlin increased slightly, it remained almost unchanged in Brandenburg.

Press release

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The Berlin-Brandenburg Statistical Office, responsible for collecting and analyzing statistics, released data showing that cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in both Berlin and Brandenburg. The office reported that approximately 77,000 people died in 2022, with cardiovascular diseases accounting for 30%, or around 23,400 deaths. Interestingly, while Berlin had a slightly higher death rate, Brandenburg had a higher average age of death for individuals who succumbed to cardiovascular diseases, at 82.7 years compared to 81.9 years in Berlin. Furthermore, the office noted that cancer was the second most common cause of death in the region with a 2.5% increase in deaths compared to the previous year. The importance of maintaining accurate statistics for public health and policy making in cities like Berlin and Brandenburg cannot be overstated.


