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Cardinal Marx: "Celebrate Christmas with joy right now"

Cardinal Reinhard Marx of Munich has warned against following overly simple answers or apportioning blame in view of the uncertainty and worries caused by war and crises. "Not a day goes by without images of war and violence depressing us and making us despair", says the manuscript of the...

Cardinal Reinhard Marx from Munich.
Cardinal Reinhard Marx from Munich.

Church - Cardinal Marx: "Celebrate Christmas with joy right now"

Cardinal Reinhard Marx of Munich has warned against following overly simple answers or apportioning blame in view of the uncertainty and worries caused by war and crises. "Not a day goes by without images of war and violence depressing us and making us despair", says the manuscript of the Archbishop of Munich and Freising for his Christmas sermon on Christmas Eve in Munich's Liebfrauendom. Uncertainty is also spreading in the face of other crises.

Many doubted whether those responsible in politics would be able to solve the major challenges in the world - war and peace, climate change, migration movements, polarization in societies. "In a situation like this, there is a great temptation to look for simple answers, chase conspiracy narratives and spread blame."

Marx called for Christmas to be celebrated with joy, especially now - in times of war and crisis. The festival reminds us of some principles "without which we will not be able to solve the world's problems and build good coexistence in the long term", said the cardinal. "Only if we look at humanity as a whole can we tackle challenges such as the climate crisis."

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