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Car chase: Driver drunk and without a license

Police in Hamburg have caught a drunken 32-year-old in a suspected stolen car after a long chase. The drunk man was standing in the middle of the road in Hammerbrook on Thursday night with his engine switched off and fled when an officer approached him, according to the police. The patrol then...

A blue light shines on the roof of a police vehicle.
A blue light shines on the roof of a police vehicle.

Hamburg - Car chase: Driver drunk and without a license

Police in Hamburg have caught a drunken 32-year-old man in a suspected stolen car after a long chase. The drunk man was standing in the middle of the road in Hammerbrook on Thursday night with his engine switched off and fled when an officer approached him, according to the police. The patrol then pursued the man's car across the Elbe bridges to the Autobahn 1.

During his escape, the man reportedly drove his car into another car and lost several tire parts in a tunnel. When the officers stopped the 32-year-old at the Hamburg-Billstedt interchange, he tried to flee again and reportedly rammed the passenger door of a patrol car. The man reportedly did not have a valid driver's license. The officers had also received information that the car might have been stolen.

Press release

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