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Capri-Sun Initiates Digital Petition Advocating for Disposable Straws Elimination

The Business Expresses Frustration over Eucalyptus Straws, Seeks Exception to EU Prohibition on Non-reusable Plastic Items, but Experts Dismiss the Initiative as Void of Impact.

Capri-Sun is reintroducing the use of plastic straws and garnering support through an online...
Capri-Sun is reintroducing the use of plastic straws and garnering support through an online petition.

- Capri-Sun Initiates Digital Petition Advocating for Disposable Straws Elimination

Capri-Sun, the creators of drink pouches, have launched an online petition on to resurrect the plastic straw. The company aims to accumulate a grand total of one million signatures to submit to the EU Commission. Capri-Sun CEO Roland Weening mentioned to the Swiss "Sonntagszeitung" approximately two weeks ago that he intended to pursue an exemption for the EU ban on single-use plastic straws.

However, Adriana Neligan, a specialist in circular economy at the Institute of the German Economy in Cologne, stated, "I don't envision a carve-out for a company." Andreas Hermann from the Öko-Institut in Darmstadt concurred, "The directive is geared towards environmental protection, plastic straws are prohibited - and there are no exceptions laid out in the directive."

Censure from Environmental Activists

Environmental activists regarded Capri-Sun's scheme with much contempt. "The product itself is already a straight-up disaster, turning into waste instanter - this doesn't square with our time, where politics and people worldwide are championing a sustainable future," asserted Viola Wohlgemuth from the 'Exit Plastic' alliance. "Reinstating the plastic straw would be a leap back into the past."

Capri-Sun, manufactured in Eppelheim near Heidelberg, has been using paper straws since 2021. Weening declared that the company is endeavoring to revert to plastic straws in Switzerland and neighboring nations. Customers have voiced concerns about the current paper straws being hard to insert, softening, and imparting a papery flavor while drinking. The company, headquartered in Zug, Switzerland - where the EU ban does not apply.

Expert does not anticipate a reversal of the EU ban

Expert Neligan also expressed she does not foresee a reversal of the EU ban on single-use plastic goods from 2021. However, Neligan also reprimanded paper straws, stating that some do not even last through a single usage. "The question is: How frequently can I employ a product? And, of course, that enhances the eco-balance." For instance, recycled plastic bags would boast a better eco-balance compared to paper bags.

Currently, a representative for Capri-Sun revealed they are investigating an option where consumers could discard drink pouches and straws - both made of polypropylene - together in the recyclable plastic waste. Polypropylene is a type of plastic. At present, the classic 200-milliliter drink pouch also incorporates aluminum. The next step involves the drink pouch consisting solely of polypropylene.

Despite Capri-Sun's efforts to revive the use of plastic straws in Switzerland and neighboring countries, environmental activists strongly oppose this move, viewing it as a step backwards in the pursuit of sustainability. In contrast to Capri-Sun's plastic straws, their current paper straws have been met with criticism from customers due to their difficulty to insert, softening, and imparting a papery flavor.

In relation to Capri-Sun's location in Zug, Switzerland, where the EU ban does not apply, expert Adriana Neligan does not anticipate a reversal of the EU ban on single-use plastic goods, including straws, from 2021.

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