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Cannabis cultivation associations can apply for licenses

Cannabis social clubs have been waiting a long time for the day when they can finally apply for licenses to grow weed legally. But no one really seems to know how and where exactly.

As of today, licenses for community cannabis cultivation can be applied for in Berlin.
As of today, licenses for community cannabis cultivation can be applied for in Berlin.

Drugs - Cannabis cultivation associations can apply for licenses

Legal and out of pure pleasure, smoking grass from German greenhouses was unthinkable in Germany for a long time. Now, the dream of many smokers in Berlin is taking shape: people who want to grow cannabis communally can now apply for a corresponding license at the Berlin district offices. After the receipt of all documents and evidence, the applications will be processed by the health administration within three months.

A regulation that regulates the responsibilities in relation to the Cannabis Law has not been announced, according to the spokesperson. For the time being, the "fallback responsibility" lies with the districts. It is planned that the districts will also be responsible in the future.

Three months after the release of cannabis for adults and the private cultivation with numerous requirements, a second stage comes into effect. Now, non-commercial "growing associations" with up to 500 members can start. Full-grown people can then grow cannabis together and give it to each other for personal consumption. The clubs must apply for a license, and regular controls are also provided for in the law.

Many details unclear

However, many details are still unclear in Berlin, for example, whether applications should be submitted by mail or post and which department within the offices is responsible. This has already caused dissatisfaction among the Cannabis Social Clubs. "The solution is immature and could have been put into action weeks ago," criticized Jana Halbreiter, managing director of the Cannabis Cultivation Associations Germany (CAD).

Not only the contact way is unclear, but also which district is responsible if the planned cultivation area and the distribution point for members are located in different districts. "The Senate has only managed to pass on the black Peter after months," criticized the CAD managing director. The CAD is not aware of any club in Berlin that is now ready to submit its documents.

District offices apparently unprepared

Moreover, the district offices seem to be far from prepared. On Friday, the Bezirksamt Pankow informed the German Press Agency that "nothing is known about this topic." From Marzahn-Hellersdorf, it was reported that the district administration had not received any information on this matter from the responsible senate department.

According to the Health Administration, the regulation is supposed to be adopted soon. The implementation of the law presents the authority with great challenges.

  1. Despite the announcement of community cannabis cultivation licenses in Berlin, many smokers are frustrated due to unclear application processes and responsibilities, as expressed by Jana Halbreiter from the Cannabis Cultivation Associations Germany (CAD).
  2. The proposed regulation allows non-commercial "growing associations" with up to 500 members to grow cannabis together and share it for personal consumption, but the specifics regarding application procedures and district responsibilities remain unknown.
  3. The uncertainty surrounding the application process and district responsibilities has caused dissatisfaction among Cannabis Social Clubs in Berlin, leading critics, such as CAD's Jana Halbreiter, to label the solution as "immature" and express concerns over the delay in implementation.
  4. Informs from district offices suggest that they are not adequately prepared to handle inquiries and applications related to the new cannabis cultivation legislation, contributing to the confusion and frustration among the public.
  5. As the future of community cannabis cultivation in Berlin unfolds, addressing these uncertainties and preparing district offices is crucial for both the success of the initiative and the satisfaction of the many smokers eager to grow cannabis together under legal provisions.

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