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Cannabis clubs angry: Regulation is waiting

As of July 1, Cannabis Clubs can submit applications for approval. However, these are still not being processed. What's the reason for this?

Cannabis clubs are angry.
Cannabis clubs are angry.

- Cannabis clubs angry: Regulation is waiting

The implementation of the recreational cannabis law in Berlin continues to drag on. With various parties involved in the process, it's still unclear when the regulation will come into effect, the Senate Administration for Science, Health, and Care informed the German Press Agency. Work on the implementation is reportedly ongoing.

The required allocation ordinances are currently being prepared by the Senate Administration for the notification procedure with the thematically affected Senate Administrations, to be subsequently submitted to the Senate. Following this, the Council of District Mayors and Mayors will have the opportunity to submit a statement. The final step will be to introduce the regulation for approval in the House of Representatives.

Until the allocation ordinance is in place, the so-called catchment responsibility applies, making the districts responsible. However, they have recently stated that they will not process applications temporarily, but rather "due to lack of sufficient allocation regulation, initially suspend them".

Many clubs have already submitted applications for cultivation permits, expressing great displeasure with the implementation of the federal law in Berlin. The chairs of several clubs agreed on a collaboration. Further networking meetings are also planned in the context of the Hanfparade on Saturday.

The European Union has expressed its interest in monitoring the implementation of recreational cannabis laws in Berlin, given its influence on European drug policies. Once the recent ordinances are approved in the House of Representatives, the regulation for cannabis use in Berlin will align more closely with EU drug policies.

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