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Campaign initiated to dispute the evening shutdown of Görlitz Park

In the vibrant '80s, Kreuzberg, Berlin's unconventional district, was renowned for its vivid protest activities. Its reputation wasn't always positive. Presently, the focus is on a well-known park.

Under the proposed plans from the Senate, Görlitz Park will be closed during nighttime hours.
Under the proposed plans from the Senate, Görlitz Park will be closed during nighttime hours.

- Campaign initiated to dispute the evening shutdown of Görlitz Park

Protest Week and the significant Protest Day are being organized by progressive groups in Berlin-Kreuzberg in reaction to the proposed enclosure and nighttime shutdown of Görlitzer Park. The Protest Week commences on Monday and features daily activities in and around the park, including debates, video showcases, protest jogging, movie screenings, and a massive picnic. A rally is scheduled for September 7th, Saturday.

During the Protest Day, scheduled for Sunday, there are plans for dramatic theatrics and "entertaining activities" within the park, such as "snip the barrier", "splatter the paint bombs", "liberate the detainees", and "evict Wegner". The aim is to produce an engaging atmosphere to hinder the planned park makeover through this vibrant and disobedient resistance.

It remains uncertain when construction of the proposed enclosure at Görlitzer Park might commence. The Higher Administrative Court of Berlin-Brandenburg (OVG) is yet to rule on an appeal by the district office of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg. Until the court makes its decision, the Senate will spare no action. As per the Senate, the nighttime closure of the park is intended to combat drug-related crimes and violence. Nonetheless, the district of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg contest these plans in court - thus far, to no avail.

  1. Despite the ongoing court proceedings at the Higher Administrative Court of Berlin-Brandenburg, the Senate has actively been preparing for the nighttime closure of Görlitzer Park to curb drug-related crimes and violence.
  2. In response to the Senate's plans, the organized Protest Week at Görlitzer Park will culminate in a rally on September 7th, which will be held at the Senate, demanding a reconsideration of the park's proposed enclosure and nighttime shutdown.

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