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Camp with 1300 young people is evacuated

The children and young people were supposed to spend another night together in tents. But the weather put a spanner in the works for the camp organizers.

A flash of lightning lights up over a landscape.
A flash of lightning lights up over a landscape.

Due to risk of thunderstorms - Camp with 1300 young people is evacuated

Due to anticipated bad weather, a large Youth Fire Department camp with approximately 1300 children and adolescents in the Diepholz district was evacuated prematurely. "If it rains and we have gusts of wind at 120 km/h, then our tents might be blown away," said Dieter Wendt, deputy press spokesperson for the Fire Department in the Diepholz district. There is a risk of injury.

Most children were to be taken home in buses and small buses starting around 9 p.m., he said. Some adolescents who lived further away might end up in emergency shelters. "We're not in a big hurry," the spokesperson said. The bad weather was only forecast for later in the night.

Approximately 53 Youth Fire Department members from the district and some guests from other regions, as well as over 500 caretakers and helpers, were participating in the camp. The camp was originally scheduled to end on Sunday morning. The German Weather Service in the Diepholz district forecast heavy thunderstorms for Sunday night.

The evacuation was organized to avoid potential danger in the tent camp during the forecasted thunderstorms in Lower Saxony's District of Diepholz. Despite the premature end, the children from the Youth Fire Department camp were reassured, knowing they would return home or find shelter safely. The church village in Diepholz district might serve as an emergency shelter for some adolescents living far away. Despite the impending storm, Dieter Wendt, the deputy press spokesperson, assured everyone that there was no need for hasty departures.

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