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Call for another warning strike at Frankfurt University Hospital

A nurse walks across the corridor in an intensive care
A nurse walks across the corridor in an intensive care

Call for another warning strike at Frankfurt University Hospital

Patients at Frankfurt University Hospital will once again have to prepare for restrictions due to a warning strike on Thursday and Friday (November 23/24). The strike has been called by the trade union Verdi. The work stoppages are to begin on Thursday with the early shift and end at the end of the late shift on Friday. Around 4,000 employees, trainees, interns and students, who are paid according to the collective agreement of the federal states, will be affected, according to the union.

"The employees are still angry about the fact that they are to receive less money for the same work than their colleagues in federal and local government departments and companies," explained Verdi strike leader Hilke Sauthof-Schäfer on Wednesday. "That's why we're now going one step further and striking for two days." There had already been a one-day warning strike at the beginning of the month.

The background to this is the wage dispute in the public sector of the federal states. According to Verdi, Frankfurt University Hospital is the only company in Hesse that falls under the collective bargaining regulations of the 15 federal states of the Tarifgemeinschaft der Länder (TdL). The collective agreement of the state of Hesse applies to all other Hessian state companies and offices. Emergency service agreements have been concluded with the employer for the warning strike. "There will be restrictions because wards and areas will be closed or reduced. Emergency medical care is guaranteed," it said.

The unions are demanding 10.5 percent more income, but at least 500 euros more. Junior staff are to receive 200 euros more. The pay scale period should be 12 months. According to the demands, trainees and graduates of dual study programs should also be offered permanent employment after successfully completing their training.

The ongoing wage dispute in the public sector has led to Tariffs being a contentious issue, with Verdi demanding a 10.5% pay increase and at least 500 euros more for its members. This dispute has also impacted the public service, as demonstrated by the repeated strikes at Frankfurt University Hospital, causing temporary closures and restrictions in services.




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