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Cabinet: draft funeral law approved

In Saxony, people will be able to be buried together with their pets in future. This is a regulation in the new burial law, the draft of which the cabinet released for consultation on Tuesday and thus put up for discussion. Following the last major amendment in 2009, the law is now to be...

Hearing - Cabinet: draft funeral law approved

In Saxony, people will be able to be buried together with their pets in future. This is a regulation in the new burial law, the draft of which the cabinet released for consultation on Tuesday and thus put up for discussion. Following the last major amendment in 2009, the law is now to be adapted to practical requirements, social developments with regard to funeral culture and digitalization, the Ministry of Social Affairs announced.

"Our social interaction is subject to constant change, which is always accompanied by a change in the culture of funerals and mourning," said Minister Petra Köpping (SPD). For years, there has been a trend - not only in Saxony - away from traditional burial and towards cremation. In addition, the requirements and expectations of cemetery operators, business and administration have changed.

One of the aims of the law is to strengthen the rights of parents of miscarried babies. For example, they are to be comprehensively informed about the existing burial options. Burials without a coffin are also to be recognized by law. Improvements are also planned for coroner's inquests.

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