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Cabinet approves supplementary budget for Brandenburg aid package

Following the Constitutional Court's ruling on the Brandenburg aid package, the measures are to come from the budget - not from loans. The government is setting the course for this.

Helped set the course for a new supplementary budget: Finance Minister Katrin Lange and Minister...
Helped set the course for a new supplementary budget: Finance Minister Katrin Lange and Minister President Dietmar Woidke. (archive picture)

Household - Cabinet approves supplementary budget for Brandenburg aid package

The Brandenburg Cabinet has decided on a new funding solution for the Brandenburg-Aid Package to cushion the crisis. With this, the red-red-green government of Minister President Dietmar Woidke (SPD) is drawing the consequence from the judgment of the Constitutional Court, which declared the regulation of the aid package invalid.

The already approved measures of almost 850 million Euros should no longer be paid via credits, but from the budget. It is planned that the financial situation of the state will be addressed for this. The Landtag still needs to make a final decision on the supplementary budget. It had already approved the plans majority.

The first reading of the supplementary budget is scheduled, according to government spokesman Florian Engels, still in July. Finance Minister Katrin Lange (SPD) confirmed that all approved aid will flow. They will not be reversed, Lange said.

This should relieve families, hospitals, businesses and municipalities. The Constitutional Court had declared the regulations for the aid package for the crisis due to the Ukraine War in 2022 invalid and demanded better clarification for the connection to the declared state of emergency. The AfD fraction in the Landtag had filed the lawsuit. However, the court did not refer to the 2024 budget.

  1. Minister President Dietmar Woidke and his red-red-green government in Brandenburg are implementing the Constitutional Court's ruling, making changes to the Potsdam-Aid Package.
  2. Katrin Lange, the Finance Minister of Brandenburg, assures that the aid package, now to be funded from the budget rather than credits, will not result in the reversal of previously approved measures.
  3. Following the Constitutional Court's judgment, Dietmar Woidke's government is working on a supplementary budget for Brandenburg to improve the financial situation, which still requires approval by the Landtag.
  4. The first reading of the supplementary budget is scheduled in July, aiming to alleviate the crisis's impact on households, hospitals, businesses, and municipalities across Brandenburg.
  5. The controversial decision to provide aid during the crisis, later declared invalid by the Constitutional Court, had originally been regulated by Dietmar Woidke's government and challenged in a lawsuit by the AfD fraction in the Landtag.
  6. The judgment by the Constitutional Court describes the need for better clarification of the connection between the aid package and the declared state of emergency, which was declared due to the Ukraine War in 2022.

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