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Cabinet approves super venture capital fund for start-ups

More money for start-ups - another way the state government wants to boost the economy in Bavaria. Now the plans are becoming more concrete.

Hubert Aiwanger and Florian Herrmann: A super risk capital fund should be available for start-ups...
Hubert Aiwanger and Florian Herrmann: A super risk capital fund should be available for start-ups in the growth phase.

Economic policy - Cabinet approves super venture capital fund for start-ups

Start-ups in Bavaria can hope for more financial support from the state in the future: From 2025, a Superrisk capital fund is to be made available for start-ups in the growth phase. The fund volume is supposed to amount to 600 million Euro, the state financing share is expected to be up to 50 million Euro per company. The cabinet has decided on this - and is thus implementing another announcement from the latest government declaration by Minister-President Markus Söder (CSU).

At the same time, the LfA Förderbank is to be developed into a strong SME and transformation bank, a kind of "Bavaria-KfW". Funding amounts are to be doubled. Loans will be open for the larger SME sector (annual turnover up to 500 million Euro) in the future. The exact concept is to be decided in the autumn in the cabinet.

The decision to establish a Superrisk capital fund for Bavarian start-ups was made by the state's cabinet, aligned with a commitment from Minister-President Markus Söder (CSU) in the latest government declaration. This fund, aimed at supporting growth-phase start-ups, is anticipated to have a volume of 600 million Euro, with the state contributing up to 50 million Euro per company.

Germany's Free State of Bavaria, renowned for its booming start-up scene, seeks to further strengthen its economic policy. Apart from the Superrisk fund, the LfA Förderbank is to be transformed into a powerful SME and transformation bank, attractively named "Bavaria-KfW."

Based in Munich, the CSU-led cabinet has announced plans to enhance funding for SMEs, allowing for larger companies with annual turnovers up to 500 million Euro to apply for loans from the transformed LfA Förderbank. The specifics of this plan will be finalized during the autumn session of the cabinet.

Free voters in Bavaria may find opportunities within this economic development framework, as several financial support systems are being created or augmented for start-ups and SMEs in the new 'Bavaria-KfW' policy.

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