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BVG scales back subway operations on particular lines during the European Championships.

During the European Football Championships, people wish to visit the fan zone situated at the Brandenburg Gate or attend matches at the Olympic Stadium. Consequently, the BVG plans to enhance services on certain routes while reducing operations on others.

A subway train passes under a sign with the inscription "BVG".
A subway train passes under a sign with the inscription "BVG".

Accessible means of getting around in crowded cities - BVG scales back subway operations on particular lines during the European Championships.

The Berlin Transport Company (BVG) plans to scale back their services on certain U-Bahn lines during the UEFA European Championship to transport a larger number of football fans to and from the events or fan zones. According to a spokesperson for BVG, quoted in "taz" newspaper, the changes are necessary due to the special circumstances surrounding the tournament.

"To ensure that passengers can travel to and from the games or fan zones, we'll need to shift resources within the network on those days - sometimes for just a few hours at a time," the spokesperson said.

The affected lines are U4, U6, U7, and U9. The alterations will be limited to brief time windows and fine-tuning of a minute or less. As a consequence, some trains may have additional passengers on board. For instance, if a four-minute gap between trains becomes a five-minute gap, it means three fewer trains per hour on that specific line.

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