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BVG plans to expand "cleaning patrols" along the U8 line.

BVG intends to widen the simultaneous implementation of security and sanitation employees along the U8 subway line as a pilot endeavor. Starting instantly, the "cleaning team" will be operational across the whole route, encompassing Wittenau to Hermannstraße, the organization declared on...

Cleaners working on a staircase in the U8 subway line.
Cleaners working on a staircase in the U8 subway line.

Erliner Transport Companies - BVG plans to expand "cleaning patrols" along the U8 line.

According to recent surveys, travelers have acknowledged that stations and trains seem cleaner. Additionally, reports of criminal activities have greatly diminished since the start of this project.

Moving forward, the next phase of the project will last until the end of November, incorporating 15 additional stations. It's estimated that the cleanliness level will increase by approximately 50% when compared to the previous period. Stations that receive heavy foot traffic will be cleaned every day with water. Moreover, police cooperation will be strengthened.

U8, a U-Bahn line in the capital, is notoriously known for its negative reputation, specifically concerning safety and cleanliness.

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