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Bus leaves the road: Two passengers in hospital

A bus left the road in the Bernkastel-Wittlich district on Thursday evening and came to rest in a ditch. After the accident, two of the six passengers were taken to hospital as a precaution, as the police reported in the evening. The accident happened on the L141 between Wittlich and Salmtal....

A sign with the inscription "Emergency room" hangs on a hospital.
A sign with the inscription "Emergency room" hangs on a hospital.

Traffic accident - Bus leaves the road: Two passengers in hospital

A bus left the road in the Bernkastel-Wittlich district on Thursday evening and came to rest in a ditch. After the accident, two of the six passengers were taken to hospital as a precaution, as the police reported in the evening. The accident happened on the L141 between Wittlich and Salmtal. The bus touched the road divider with its left front tire, causing it to veer off the road to the right and into the ditch, it was reported. The fire department had to break a window to rescue the passengers. The L141 was fully closed for around half an hour.


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