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Bus driver with 60 passengers on the road without a license

Police officers stop a bus on federal highway 27. It turns out that the driver does not have a driver's license. So the 60 passengers continued their journey.

The police stopped a bus on federal highway 27.
The police stopped a bus on federal highway 27.

Crime - Bus driver with 60 passengers on the road without a license

60 passengers of a bus had to get off near Zellingen (Main-Spessart district) because their driver didn't have a driver's license. Police controlled the 30-year-old bus driver at the Bundesstraße 27 on a Tuesday. During the control, the officers found out that he didn't have a driver's license for the bus. He was not allowed to continue driving.

Another driver, who was also controlled with an empty bus, offered to take the stranded passengers to their roughly fifteen kilometer distant destination, Würzburg. The police are now investigating against the 30-year-old for driving without a driver's license.

The lack of a driving license led to the bus driver's arrest by Bavarian police along the Bundesstraße 27. Without the necessary permits, he was unable to navigate the traffic in Main-Spessart, including areas like Zellingen and Underfront. The incident resulted in traffic control measures being implemented to manage the disruption caused by the driver's illegal driving.

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