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Bus driver made a six-figure profit with tickets?

Several bus drivers in the Lake Constance-Upper Swabia region are alleged to have manipulated ticket machines, sold tickets and pocketed the money. As the police and the public prosecutor's office announced on Wednesday, the tickets could be printed and sold without being booked after the...

Passengers stand in a bus of the Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe.
Passengers stand in a bus of the Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe.

Crime - Bus driver made a six-figure profit with tickets?

Several bus drivers in the Lake Constance-Upper Swabia region are alleged to have manipulated ticket machines, sold tickets and pocketed the money. As the police and the public prosecutor's office announced on Wednesday, the tickets could be printed and sold without being booked after the manipulation. According to a police spokesperson, the actions of the employees of a local transport company came to light during an internal audit of the company. The police have so far estimated the financial loss to be in the low six-figure euro range.

PM Police & public prosecutor's office

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