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Bus crashes into house - driver dead, passengers uninjured

A bus driver has died after crashing his bus into a house wall in Wennigsen in the Hanover region. The man lost control of the vehicle on Tuesday, presumably due to a medical emergency, and drove off the road, a police spokesman said in the evening. The eight passengers on the bus were uninjured.

Rescue workers at the scene of the accident.
Rescue workers at the scene of the accident.

Accidents - Bus crashes into house - driver dead, passengers uninjured

A bus driver has died after crashing his bus into a house wall in Wennigsen in the Hanover region. The man lost control of the vehicle on Tuesday, presumably due to a medical emergency, and drove off the road, a police spokesman said in the evening. The eight passengers on the bus were uninjured.

The bus driver reportedly died in hospital. It is still unclear whether the accident was the cause of death - or the medical emergency. The bus probably crashed into the empty house at low speed. No further information was initially available.

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The accident in Wennigsen, located in the Hanover region of Lower Saxony, has raised concerns about traffic safety in the area. Authorities are investigating whether medical issues or the accident itself led to the bus driver's death. Grapevine suggests that the house, which was hit by the out-of-control vehicle, had been empty at the time. German media report that such accidents in traffic are not uncommon in the bustling city of Hanover.


