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Bus collides with horses: Rider thrown off and injured

A public bus collided with two horses in Gundholzen (Constance district). A 48-year-old female rider was sitting on one of the horses, who was thrown off and seriously injured as a result, a police spokeswoman said on Friday. She was taken to hospital. The horses ran away.

A sign with the inscription "Emergency room" hangs on a hospital.
A sign with the inscription "Emergency room" hangs on a hospital.

Accident - Bus collides with horses: Rider thrown off and injured

A public bus collided with two horses in Gundholzen (Constance district). A 48-year-old female rider was sitting on one of the horses, who was thrown off and seriously injured as a result, a police spokeswoman said on Friday. She was taken to hospital. The horses ran away.

According to the police, the 52-year-old bus driver had seen the horses too late due to the darkness, and despite emergency braking, the collision occurred. The spokeswoman was unable to say whether the two horses and the rider, who were traveling on the road, were wearing reflectors. The occupants of the bus were uninjured by the emergency braking. Initial estimates put the damage to the bus at around 8,000 euros.

With the help of the fire department, the animal rescue team was able to find and catch the slightly injured horses.

Police press release

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