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Burglars pilfer 75 kilograms of potatoes directly from the farmland.

Law enforcement in Zerbst shares an unusual report: Burglars have made off with a substantial haul of potatoes that had been cultivated in a field.

Burglars made off with 75 kg of potatoes in Zerbst.
Burglars made off with 75 kg of potatoes in Zerbst.

- Burglars pilfer 75 kilograms of potatoes directly from the farmland.

Bandits swiped a substantial amount of spuds from a farm in Zerbst. Approximately 75 kilograms of potatoes that were already planted got nicked by the culprits, according to the Anhalt-Bitterfeld authorities. It's speculated that the burglary happened sometime between Thursday and Saturday. The estimated worth of this carb-packed haul is around 200 euros, which the police find rather peculiar.

The Anhalt-Bitterfeld authorities are working closely with the local police to investigate the potato heist. If any information leading to the identities of the bandits and the recovery of the stolen potatoes is provided, a reward will be offered.

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