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Bundestag President calls for Franco-German stand against populism

Bundestag President Bärbel Bas (SPD) has called on Germany and France to join forces in the fight against populism. "Something is happening around us in Europe: many populists are on the rise," said Bas in an interview with the AFP news agency in Berlin ahead of the meeting of the Franco-German...

Bas speaks in France's
Bas speaks in France's

Bundestag President calls for Franco-German stand against populism

In this context, the SPD politician called on politicians to clearly name problems - including the issue of migration. "When the caliphate is proclaimed in Essen, it scares people. We have to listen and not put mildew over the issues," said Bas. She added: "Many people are unsettled."

The task of Germany and France as large EU countries is to solve problems "and fight for democracy", said Bas. "Then I am confident that we can contain populism again."

Bas will chair the meeting of the Franco-German Parliamentary Assembly in Bonn on Monday together with French Parliament President Yaël Braun-Pivet. This assembly is made up of 50 members of the German Bundestag and 50 members of the French National Assembly, who meet at least twice a year, alternating between Germany and France.

Although this parliamentary assembly is "not known to the general public, it is very important for both our parliaments", Bas told AFP. "It is a unique partnership in Europe that makes it tangible that we have a deep bond with France." The aim is to deepen the friendship, but also to talk about concrete issues and take joint decisions.

Lesen Sie auch:

  1. Bärbel Bas, the president of the federal parliament in Germany, firmly advocated for a Franco-German stance against populism within Europe.
  2. Bas urged politicians to address issues like migration openly and honestly, acknowledging public concerns without dismissing them as insignificant.
  3. The SPD politician pointed out that Germany and France, as influential EU nations, have a responsibility to tackle challenges and safeguard democracy.
  4. In an interview with the French Press Agency (AFP), Bas emphasized the significance of the Franco-German Parliamentary Assembly, consisting of members from the German Bundestag and French National Assembly.
  5. Bas will collaborate with Yaël Braun-Pivet, French Parliament President, at the assembly meeting in Bonn on Monday, reiterating the profound relationship between the two nations.
  6. Discussions in the assembly are crucial, ensuring European unity and fostering dialogue, aiming to address pressing concerns and make joint decisions.
  7. Despite the relatively low public awareness of this assembly, its role in deepening bilateral ties, promoting democracy, and handling European challenges cannot be overstated.




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