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BUND registers more meadow and wading birds in the Altmark

Nature conservation measures in the northern Altmark are having an effect. The birdlife is benefiting - but not without problems.

The lapwing is one of many meadow and wading birds that have benefited from the heavy rainfall.
The lapwing is one of many meadow and wading birds that have benefited from the heavy rainfall.

Nature conservation - BUND registers more meadow and wading birds in the Altmark

Through nature conservation measures and heavy rain improvements for breeding and living conditions of meadow and water birds in the northern Altmark have been observed. The number of confirmed breeding sites has increased in some areas compared to last year, according to BUND (Federation for Environment and Nature Conservation) Sachsen-Anhalt. By creating shallow ponds, small ponds, and puddles, the environmental protection association has created new habitats for bird species such as lapwings, snipe, meadow pipits, and water pipits.

BUND hopes for the return of birds

"The fact that the water was present on a large scale and for several weeks in the meadows had a positive effect on the population and breeding success of many meadow-nesting birds," said Dieter Leupold from the BUND-Landesverband. If water can be kept extensively in the landscape, birds will return.

In some areas, it is estimated that twice as many lapwing pairs have bred compared to the previous year. Large contiguous green areas - so-called Kusebruch meadows - along the Green Belt north of Salzwedel have proven to be particularly important breeding sites.

However, roosters and crows are very present. They raid lapwing nests before the chicks hatch. Some lapwings have therefore moved to neighboring areas.

Further measures for nature conservation are planned

Furthermore, endangered bird species such as the snipe or the meadow pipit also benefited from the wet conditions. Accordingly, significantly more breeding sites were detected this year.

In order to continue this positive trend, BUND plans to create more natural habitats with wet meadows within the framework of the federal program "Biological Diversity Querverbindungen". This project runs until the end of September 2025.

The increase in confirmed bird breeding sites in the Altmark is a testament to the effectiveness of nature conservation efforts in Saxony-Anhalt. The environment improvement projects, led by BUND, have significantly contributed to the creation of suitable habitats for various bird species. The presence of water in meadows for a prolonged period has positively influenced the population and breeding success of many meadow-nesting birds. Despite the challenges posed by certain species like roosters and crows, the overall progress in nature conservation in the region is promising.

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