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BUND calls for better herd protection against wolves

Two wolf pups are standing in a
Two wolf pups are standing in a

BUND calls for better herd protection against wolves

The German Federation for the Environment and Nature Conservation (BUND) Rhineland-Palatinate is calling for better herd protection against wolves. "In the Hunsrück region and throughout Rhineland-Palatinate, migrating wolves in particular still encounter unprotected grazing animals far too often," said Sabine Yacoub, chairwoman of the association, on Thursday. However, livestock damage can only be avoided if herd protection is also implemented preventively across the board.

According to BUND Rhineland-Palatinate, electric shocks at the herd protection fence are formative for young wolves that have left their parent pack to find their own territory. Animals with this experience stay away from livestock for the rest of their lives. "It is therefore not the number of wolves but the quality of herd protection that is decisive for the number of livestock kills," it continued.

The call for better herd protection by BUND Rhineland-Palatinate also involves protecting animals in the wild, as frequent encounters between migrating wolves and unprotected grazing animals can lead to conflicts. To ensure the coexistence of wildlife and livestock, it's crucial to promote effective herd protection strategies that deter wolves and other wildlife from approaching grazing lands.




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Upon Genscher's renowned, abbreviated declaration.

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