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Bullet hole: SPD examines new safety precautions

Attacks on politicians and election workers are on the rise. The SPD in Saxony has also experienced this. Was there a targeted attack on the SPD headquarters?

Dresden: SPD examines new security measures after bullet hole in party headquarters
Dresden: SPD examines new security measures after bullet hole in party headquarters

Parties - Bullet hole: SPD examines new safety precautions

The Saxon SPD is checking for additional security measures due to a bullet hole found in the building of the party headquarters in Dresden. "It is clear, however, that we will not be intimidated. We will continue our political work for the Free State of Saxony and the upcoming state election campaign unabated", shared the chairpersons Kathrin Michel and Henning Homann.

According to the SPD, the police discovered a bullet hole in a window in the third upper story of the Herbert-Wehner-House last week. This affected the business premises of a company that has its seat directly above the SPD state office. The police investigation revealed that a shot from an air gun was the most likely cause of the window damage, it is stated now.

"Even though there are no indications of a motive yet, the investigation result is disturbing and alarming", emphasized Michel and Homann. "We hope for further insights. We know from the past months about the significantly increased danger for members and institutions of the SPD."

At the beginning of May, at least four young men - one of them from the right-wing spectrum - had beaten up the Saxon SPD's leading candidate for the European election, Matthias Ecke, in the evening while he was hanging up his party's election posters. He suffered facial bone fractures and had to undergo surgery.

  1. Despite the bullet hole discovery in the SPD's party headquarters in Dresden's Herbert-Wehner-House, the Saxon SPD, led by Kathrin Michel and Henning Homann, remains committed to the State election campaign.
  2. The SPD's state election campaign in Saxony continues despite safety concerns, with the party headquarters in Dresden having a bullet hole from an air gun, as revealed by the police investigation.
  3. Henning Homann, a key figure in the Saxon SPD, assured the public that the party will not be deterred by the incident and will maintain its political work in Saxony.
  4. In light of the police investigation findings and the recent attack on the Saxon SPD's leading European election candidate, Matthias Ecke, safety precautions have become an essential element in the ongoing state election campaign activities for the SPD in Saxony.

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