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Building ministers of the federal states want to present results

The construction ministers are meeting for the second and final day of their consultations in Baden-Baden on Friday. Industry associations are hoping for a signal for the construction of affordable housing.

Karen Pein (SPD, l-r), Nicole Razavi (CDU), and Ina Scharrenbach stand in the Kurhaus
Karen Pein (SPD, l-r), Nicole Razavi (CDU), and Ina Scharrenbach stand in the Kurhaus in

Building ministers of the federal states want to present results

The construction ministers of the federal states want to present the results of their two-day conference this Friday in Baden-Baden. In the run-up to the conference, the chairwoman of the state round table, Nicole Razavi (CDU), head of the Baden-Württemberg department, had focused on the renovation of existing buildings and the simplification of building regulations in addition to housing construction.

However, industry associations such as the Federal Association of German Housing and Real Estate Companies and the Federation of the German Construction Industry are also hoping for signals for an interest subsidy programme and a standardization of building regulations in Germany.

"We are definitely not talking about subsidies, we are talking about investment incentives for new affordable housing," asserted Tim Oliver Müller from the main construction association. Standardized rules for the construction industry are particularly important, otherwise there will be no noticeable impetus for the construction of housing for the middle class.

The construction ministers' conference discussion includes the topic of housing construction, with a focus on renovating existing buildings and simplifying regulations. industry associations also seek signals for an interest subsidy program and standardization of building prices in real estate, affecting the living and housing conditions for many.


