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Building a new initial reception facility in the next legislature

Thuringia's refugee accommodation has been full for months. Calls for new accommodation to be built are now getting louder and louder. Interior Minister Maier is also in favor of this - but not before the state elections.

Georg Maier (SPD), Thuringian Minister of the Interior and Local Government.
Georg Maier (SPD), Thuringian Minister of the Interior and Local Government.

Refugees - Building a new initial reception facility in the next legislature

Thuringia's Interior Minister Georg Maier has spoken out in favor of building a new initial reception facility for refugees. "This should have been tackled years ago," the SPD politician told the German Press Agency. It had already become clear during the migration crisis in 2015/16 that the accommodation in Suhl would not be sufficient for a permanent influx. First of all, we need to get out of the current crisis mode. "Then it will be on the agenda that we build a new initial reception facility," said Maier. This is a project for the next legislature. A new state parliament will be elected in Thuringia on September 1, 2024.

Green parliamentary group leader Astrid Rothe-Beinlich had previously also spoken out in favor of a new building. All state-owned refugee accommodation in Thuringia has been full or even overcrowded for months. Some people have had to stay in emergency accommodation in Hermsdorf since October, although the hall was only intended for stays of a few days. The main reason for this is the outbreak of scabies - a skin disease caused by mites.

Maier said that it was completely open as to where such accommodation should be built. It could be Suhl, but it doesn't have to be. "The site is basically not particularly suitable. It's on a mountain, outside the city," said Maier.

In his opinion, a new building would also have to offer more space than the current accommodation in Suhl. "We need more places in order to offer the local authorities some relief." Maier pointed out that the classification of safe countries of origin also aims to speed up procedures. This means that people who have no prospects of staying could remain in the initial reception facility. "That they are not even distributed. I don't think that's wrong," said Maier.

Most recently, the Thuringian CDU parliamentary group had proposed setting up deportation centers where migrants with little prospect of staying could remain. The CDU speaks of reception and repatriation centers. Maier accused the CDU of only being interested in making headlines. "First and foremost, it is important to us that we accommodate people in a humane manner," he said.

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