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Budget Dispute: Scholz Stands Firm to Protect Welfare State Integrity

Amidst the ongoing budget talks, Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) has brushed off criticism concerning reductions in social services. He asserted in a summer interview with ARD, "We are committed to safeguarding and enhancing the welfare state." He additionally highlighted that progress has been...

Scholz at the summer interview
Scholz at the summer interview

Budget Dispute: Scholz Stands Firm to Protect Welfare State Integrity

In the upcoming budget discussions, the Bundestag will make the final decision, serving as the ideal platform for such debates, according to the Chancellor. The SPD-Left had earlier applied pressure on Scholz, with the Forum DL21 submitting a members' resolution to the SPD party executive on Friday, gaining the backing of the youth organization Jusos and the senior working group 60 plus.

The resolution strongly objects to budget reductions in sectors like Social Services, Healthcare, Youth Services, Family Support, Education, Democracy, and International Aid. The draft budget for the forthcoming year is slated for adoption in the Federal Cabinet on July 3rd. With a budget deficit estimated at approximately 25 billion Euro, Finance Minister Christian Lindner, of the FDP, advocates for substantial cuts in various ministries, particularly the Social Ministry.

Scholz remains hopeful about balancing the budget in July, stating that the discussions about individual budgets will be handled constructively. He also emphasized the necessity of managing within our current financial resources, stating, "We have to make ends meet with the money we have."

The significant spending on Ukraine in response to the Russian aggression presents a challenge to the budget, according to Scholz. Nevertheless, for now, "it's about creating a budget with standard allocations," he said in response to a question about potential emergency situations related to the Ukraine war allowing for higher debt. "All other questions will be addressed later."

Read also:

  1. Regarding the budget dispute, the SPD-Left, including Jusos and senior working group 60 plus, have raised concerns about potential budget cuts in social sectors like welfare, healthcare, education, and international aid.
  2. During the budget negotiation, Scholz stands firm in protecting the welfare state's integrity, emphasizing the need to manage within the current financial resources and avoid overspending.
  3. In the Bundestag, the final decision on the budget dispatch is imminent, which serves as a crucial platform for debates between opposing political views, such as reducing or increasing social spending.
  4. Olaf Scholz, the Chancellor, remains optimistic about balancing the budget in July, ensuring that the discussions about individual budgets will proceed in a constructive manner.
  5. Despite estimates indicating a budget deficit of around 25 billion Euro, Finance Minister Christian Lindner advocates for substantial cuts in various ministries, specifically in the Social Ministry, to mitigate the deficit.
  6. The Jusos, the SPD's youth organization, supports the members' resolution presented by the Forum DL21, objecting to budget reductions in crucial sectors, such as social services, healthcare, and youth services, to uphold the welfare state's integrity.
  7. In the context of the budget dispute, ARD reports that Scholz emphasizes the importance of maintaining minimum wage policies and providing adequate support for seniors while balancing the federal budget effectively.



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